Filipinos have strong family ties. It has been common to see extended homes/families in our culture. This strong family ties can be proven by observing how a Filipino family grows. They start with husband and wife; had children of their own; their children became adults; their children had a family of their own yet stayed with their parents. Almost majority of Filipino families have this kind of culture.

The strong family ties of Filipino had the mindset not of love but of necessity. Others, though few to number, loved their parents so much that they couldn’t leave them. It is beautiful and wonderful to imagine that the very reason of Filipino families having strong ties is because of love.

Love in the aspect of Christianity is different yet the same. Their equality lies on the feelings toward each other yet different in the ways to show it. Sometimes parents love their children so much that they tolerate their mistakes. Others love their families by abusing them (masochist way of loving). Some expressed their love by giving and obedience. Thus, even if love is the foundation of the family, it still doesn’t mean that it is a strong family.

Building a Strong Family.
Joshua stated in Joshua 24:15, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” His meaning of service is not what most of us know.

In Acts 16:25-33, we can see how a captain of the guard was saved, he and his family. How were they saved? Were they saved because of believing in Jesus Christ? Did they do something else after believing to receive the expected salvation and God’s gift of eternal life?

I believe that a strong family begins with 6 simple processes:

     ·     Faith - A strong family have a common faith. Joshua didn’t have a hard time convincing his family to serve God because they belong to the same faith. They are united in spirit because they believe in one God.

The captain of the guard, when he heard the good news, didn’t waste any time. He invited Paul and Silas to his home so that the good news will be shared to his family. They believed and they were baptized and converted to a common faith with the apostles. Faith begins in 3 steps: Accept Jesus Christ as God and Saviour; Believe in Jesus Christ; Converted to Christianity. Like the captain of the guard, Joshua and his family were not only believers but they were converts, making them effective servants of the Lord.

Joshua was a great leader because of his faith. But before he became great, he was also a lowly servant of Israel. He started as a spy in the Promised Land; he, Caleb and 10 others with the SAME BELIEF in God spied the land. But even if they have the same belief, they have different faith.  Joshua and Caleb had faith that God had led them to the promise He had given while the other 10 believed that they were led to their doom. Thus, Joshua and Caleb were promoted by God because of their FAITH and not on their BELIEF. FAITH is by being a CONVERTED CHRISTIAN and not a BELIEVING CHRISTIAN.

     ·     Act - Like Joshua, the captain acted on his faith. He knew that what he had received is too good not to be shared to his family. He knew that what he had received is true and he had to share it to his family. He couldn’t share it on his own that is why he needed Paul and Silas to be his spokesmen. He wanted his house to accept and believe in Jesus Christ and be converted. He acted and his house was saved.

     ·     Mingle - Joshua never acted alone; he was not a loner. He mingled not only to his peers but to everyone. He even mingled with Moses and became his assistant. He never thought about gaining position but only on serving God. He mingled with everyone to show how God had changed him; how God is blessing him despite of the problems that were coming. He mingled with everyone to encourage them to trust in God. He mingled with everyone to show them how to serve the Lord with their families

     ·     Initiate - He was an initiator. When he made his speech in Joshua chapter 24, he initiated that as for him and his family, they will serve the Lord. They have to make a choice. Note that choices are hard to decide upon. But if somebody initiates by choosing, choice becomes easier. When Joshua initiated his choice, Israel then chose the right decision.

     ·     Lead - Joshua and his family were not only initiators but they are also leaders. Leadership not in the sense of advisory position but of service. Christians’ definition of leadership is service. To lead is to initiate and to lead is to serve

     ·     Yield - Though they are leaders of high-caliber, they still yield to the will of God. Joshua loved God so much that even if sacrifice was needed, he was willing to yield to the voice of God.

Building a Strong Family
By Ptr. JC Balao