Ark of the Covenant

     Ark (Hebrew - aron) is also known as the Ark of God or the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of God represents the presence of God (Num. 10:35-36). It is the meeting place with Moses in Ex. 25:21-22. It is a place where divine revelation was received (Lev. 1:1; 16:2; Num. 7:89). It is God’s instrument of guidance and defense during the wilderness wandering (Num. 10:11). It is where the blood of atonement was presented and received (Lev. 16:2-19).

     In totality, the Ark of the Covenant represents God’s presence. It was used to bring victory for the Israelites during the times of conquest of the Promised Land; to have the Ark of the Covenant was to have God’s favor.

     In 1 Samuel 4:22, the glory departed from Israel because the Ark of God was taken. Thus, for Israel in the Old Testament times, the Ark of God was the presence of God’s glory.

     Note that in the hands of the unjust and unrighteous, the Ark of the Covenant became heavy for the hand of God is upon them (1 Samuel 5:1-7). Wherever they sent the Ark of God, God’s wrath was upon them for they know not the manner of God. But even if the Ark of God was returned to Israel, great slaughter came upon the people of Israel (50,070 men died) because they served other gods. But when they came back to serve God only, they were redeemed (1 Samuel 6:19-7:4).

     In the days of David, he wanted to bring back the Ark of God from Kirjath-jearim (1 Chro. 13:1-5) out of the house of Abinadab (2 Sam. 6:3). They brought the Ark of God and placed it on a new cart led by oxen. They were praising God while they were leading the Ark of God towards the city of David. But something happened, the oxen stumbled and fearing that the Ark of God will fall, Uzza (or Uzzah, the son of Abinadab) put forth his hand to hold the ark. But this only kindled the anger of God and killed Uzza on sight.

     David feared the Lord and made no attempt to bring the Ark of God home to himself. But he carried it within the city and into the house of Obed-edom, the Gittite (a Levite). And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-edom and all that he had. (1 Chro. 13:13-14; 2 Sam. 6:10-11).

What happened?

     1.     David, the man after God’s own heart, feared the Ark of God.
     2.     Uzza, a Levite from the house of Abinadab, died.
     3.     Obed-edom, a Gittite, received the Ark of God and was blessed.

Why have this happened?

     David feared the Ark of God because he saw that whoever touches it dies. Even if the Ark of God symbolizes God’s glory and presence, he will not jeopardize his house for it.

     David probably thought that if it happened to Uzza, it might happen to him and his house. So he decided that the Ark of God stay within the perimeter of the city but away from his home and ordered it to be placed at Obed-edom’s house.

     Uzza died when he touched the Ark of God. He thought that the Ark of God will fall from the cart because the oxen stumbled. He used his strength to hold the Ark of God. Note that Uzza is a Levite or priest from the house of Abinadab. Yet the anger of the Lord was kindled when he touched the Ark.

     Obed-edom, the Gittite, received with open arms the Ark of God. He knew what happened to Uzza but it didn’t frighten him, He knew that to receive the Ark of God is to receive God’s glory and presence. He knew what will happen if he and any of his household will touch the Ark. He knew what David thought and feared. He knew that it might happen to him. But he probably thought to himself, “Who cares; as long as I am in the presence of my God, I can die a happy man!”

     God saw the heart of Obed-edom and blessed him for it.

What happened to David

     David received a report that the Lord had blessed Obed-edom and his house when they received the Ark of God (2 Samuel 6:12). Thus, he prepared a place for the Ark of God, and ordered the Levites who will carry the Ark of God to sanctify themselves. They make everything in order because they did it not at the first (1 Chronicles 15:1-13).

     Thus, David and the Levites brought up the Ark of God from the house of Obed-edom with gladness (2 Samuel 6:12).

What happened to Obed-edom

     Obed-edom didn’t remain at home when the Ark of God was taken. He went with it and served God; he became one of the porters of the Ark (1 Chro. 15:18); he became one of the worship leaders (v. 21); he became one of the doorkeepers for the Ark (v. 24); he was one of the Levites who ministered before the king and the people (1 Chro. 16:5).

     God continued to bless Obed-edom and his house (1 Chro. 26:5). And all his sons: they and their sons and their brethren, were able men of strength for the service of God (v.8).

The Presence of God

     Christians, like David, sometimes couldn’t accept or receive God’s presence because of reasons that will sacrifice their lives or their family’s. They love to go to church on Sundays, attend church activities like prayer meetings, bible studies and others; but they don’t want to dwell in the presence of God. They get lazy during their devotion time (but loves to watch television drama!); they pray a lot but wouldn’t bother to open their Bibles (but loves to read worldly pocketbooks!); they tend to forget the wordings of their praise and worship songs and don’t even know the tune of their weekly worship songs (but memorized their favorite worldly songs and can even make their own beat!); they become ashamed to testify on God’s goodness (but couldn’t stop talking about other people’s lives!) What a shame!

     Sometimes Christian leaders become like Uzza; they thought that the presence of God can’t be felt without them leading the church; they thought that their skills in instruments and singing are keeping the presence of God intact; they thought that their magnificent speech and well-detailed outline will keep the presence of God within the church; they thought that without them the presence of God will fall.

     Don’t you know that what they (David and the rest when they took the Ark from the house of Abinadab) did in the first place was totally unacceptable! Instead of having porters to carry the Ark, they placed it on a new cart and driven by an oxen! It is as if they were implying that the presence of God must be in the confines of man but driven by an animal?! That was why they corrected it and set porters to carry the Ark of God the second time from the house of Obed-edom. The presence of God is carried within the Christian, not without.

     Obed-edom is the type of Christian that grabs the opportunity once it shows itself. What he saw was not what David saw; he saw an opportunity to have the presence of God within the confines of his house. He knew that the presence of God is what makes a man whole and complete. That is why God has blessed him with 3 P’s
               Peace. Imagine living in a house with eight lively boys. Wow, consider the discipline it might have been with that house. Boys today are the same with boys yesterday, even at the time of Obed-edom: boys will be boys; they are playful and curious but what made them special is their innocence. God gave Obed-edom peace in his house. Obed-edom never has to worry about the Ark of God being touched because he and his house served the Lord.
               Prosperity. For the three months that the Ark of God stayed at Obed-edom’s house, God has blessed him and his house. God has blessed him mightily with health and wealth. It is wonderful to note that the blessings he and his family received were noticed by the king! And King David wanted to be blessed like Obed-edom. There is no record about what kind of blessing Obed-edom have received but it was so great that so many people have noticed and it was for a short span of three months! “If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you (John 15:7)”.
               Posterity. God has blessed Obed-edom not only with eight mighty sons of valor but a total of sixty-two that served God mightily during his lifetime.

What it takes to be in the service of God

     God is perfect, that is why His requirements for service is perfection (Matt. 5:48). Perfection is achieved through holiness (1 Peter 1:16); holiness that fears God; fear of the Lord through trusting in Him and never doubting Him (Prov. 3:5, 6).

     All it takes is to dwell in God’s presence; not only inside the confines of the church but every time through dwelling in His Word accompanied by the Holy Spirit.

by Ptr. JC Balao
Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Ps 51:11