Strategies/Approaches in Sharing the Message of Salvation
researched by Ptr. JC Balao
Sharing the message of salvation to either pseudo-Christian or non-Christian groups can be very frustrating, difficult or fearful. Most of them are indoctrinated that their minds are closed and considering other views aside from their own is highly unacceptable.

However, we should not ignore Matthew 28:19 where Jesus has commanded each one, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. That means to all people. Even if they are well-equipped with their own fallacies, we have the truth on our side. Consider Saul; how zealous he was to persecute the followers of Christ; how he was converted into Paul the apostle. The God who turned Saul into Paul is our God today. There are so many living examples where faithful followers of pseudo-Christian or non-Christian groups became Christians because of some people sharing the message of salvation.

There are ten rules in dealing with pseudo-Christian or non-Christian groups that I adopted from the book, “Witnessing the Cult” by Alex Wilson and Christine Tetley.

1.     Prayer - Eph 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Sharing to such groups means you are engaged in a spiritual warfare. They often seem unable to grasp the most obvious truths of God’s Word. II Cor. 4:4 states that “the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.

Prayer is one of our main weapons in fighting against Satan and his control over the unsaved. There are three specific matters that you need to pray for: a. that we may open our mouth boldly (Eph. 6:18-20); b. that the word of the Lord be delivered and be glorified (2 Thess. 3:1); c. that you may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men.

It is usually wise to have a team of at least two Christians when sharing to such groups; one talks while the other intercedes with prayer. Keep on praying for yourselves and for those to whom you have spoken.

     Patience - 2 Tim 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” Be patient and longsuffering with them. To win souls requires another aspect of patience: persistence in your efforts to teach them the truth.

     Politeness - Titus 3:2 “To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.” Some Christians are so aggressive they become rude when confronting lost souls. Our goal is to win people, not arguments. Love is not rude. Though we hate their errors, we should still be polite to those who believe their errors.

     Loving - 1 Cor 13:1 “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” Accept them as people for whom you are concerned, even though you strongly disagree with them.

     CRS (Choose, Refute, Stick) - Choose two to three of their main errors. If you can disprove just one or two of their fundamental points, their whole system of doctrine will probably collapse. Avoid spending on minor points.

When you talk with them and begin to show how Scripture contradicts some main error which they believe, they will try to change the subject. They will usually ask questions about some other doctrine in order to divert the conversation from the subject whish is becoming embarrassing to them. At such times you must be firm.

     Testimony - Share your personal testimony, especially about assurance that results from salvation and grace. In sharing your testimony, put emphasis on the fact that you know you are saved, right now, because salvation depends not on your goodness, faithfulness, and zeal, but on God’s grace to sinners (Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 3:4-7).

     The Right Way - Show them that a person may be wrong inspite of the following:
     ·     Sincerity - It does not prove that a person is right. Hindus sincerely believe in thousands of gods but that does not make their belief true.
     ·     Zeal - Zeal is good, but it is no proof of being correct. Consider Saul of Tarsus who had the zeal in persecuting the Christians.
     ·     Sacrifice - Jehovah’s Witnesses are sacrificial in their living and service for their cause. But so are Communists.
     ·     Popularity - Mormons are spreading rapidly; but so are Iglesia ni Cristo. Fast growth does not guarantee correct doctrines.
     ·     Answers to Prayer - The Mormons tell about amazing answers to prayer, especially their long trip to Utah. God in His goodness sometimes hears and blesses the unsaved, hoping in this way to draw them to Himself and His truth (Matt. 5:44, 45). But such answers don’t prove that He approves their teaching.
     ·     Miracles - Spiritism especially claims miraculous powers for healing and forecasting future events. God can and sometimes does work in miraculous ways. But so can Satan (Matt. 7:22, 23; 24:24; II Thes. 2:9, 10). Miracles alone do not prove a man is from God.

The final test is the Word of God; judge our beliefs and practices by the Bible, regardless of what anyone may say or do.

     Take the Offensive - Don’t just let them do all the talking. If they ask you some hard questions, after you answer go on to ask them questions, too. Firmly but politely insist on taking turns in presenting viewpoints.

     Close Examination - Insist that they examine the context of their proof texts. Often their interpretation of a verse is very different from what the verse really means. They ignore the sentences that precede and follow the verse they quote. By making them examine the context you can demonstrate the actual meaning of the passage.

     Decision - Try to bring them to the place where they must choose between the Bible’s clear teaching on some important point and their teaching about that point. Then urge them to follow God’s Word, not their contradictory ideas. Challenge them with love to follow God rather than men.